Signs your relationship struggles with communication
Communication is the cornerstone of every close relationship. The only way to build closeness in a relationship is to build it on good communication. Closeness and connection can only come from good communication. This is often the primary focus in couples counselling: to create intimacy and connection through good communication. This article aims to help people see if this area in their relationship could benefit from working on communication.
Escalated Fights and conversations that get more rapid and intense are often a common sign that something is off in communication. This is one of the most common symptoms of communication that could use work.
Stuck in the same fight. If the same fight is happening again and again and again, we are never resolving the issue. It is very definitive that communication is the issue.
Disconnection. Often described as feeling like roommates, we may never fight as the previous examples do, but there is also “nothing” there. We are just two people living in the same house. This is often a symptom of communication that needs work.
When we fight, this leads to past stories and other fights. When we start talking about one thing, and then suddenly, we are on another thing, then another thing, this is a normal symptom of a couple needing to communicate clearly.
All of these symptoms are very normal in relationships; they don’t mean that we are doomed or broken; it’s often the opposite. Couples usually find the most benefit in counselling for these issues, which makes for a more peaceful home, better mental health and a closer connection with their partner. If your relationship has one of these symptoms, it would likely benefit significantly from couples counselling.